Step 3: Adding the components
C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V16 vi_VN\Samples\Mechanical\piston folder.
Step 4: Positioning the components.
The position of the crankshaft is now locked, as indicated in the Constraints tree in the Mechanical Browser.
Clicking the constraint highlights the solid, face or edge it applies to.
3. Click the Concentric tool button () on the 3D Constraints toolbar.
The command bar reads: Select a pair of subentities:
4. Move the cursor over two planar faces of the crankshaft (1) and the connecting rod (2) as indicated in the image below.
Hit the TAB key until the correct face highlights, then click and move the cursor to the second face. 5. Click the Concentric tool button (
) on the 3D Constraints toolbar.
The command bar reads: Select a pair of subentities:
6. Move the cursor over two cylindrical faces of the crankshaft (1) and the connecting rod (2) as indicated in the image below.
Hit the TAB key until the correct face highlights, then click and move the cursor to the second face.
The connecting rod is automatically moved to the right position according to our design intent.
(To be continute)